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How and why to use the repeat function in CSS Grid

Let's say we have a layout made of 10 equal-width columns. Then the container element will look like this:

.container {
    grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;

It's a bit troublesome to write a line where you paste ten times the same 1fr. Imagine how fun it's to read this line. Luckily we have the repeat function for situations like this one.

.container {
    grid-template-columns: repeat(10, 1fr);

A big readability improvement. You tell the function how many times to repeat, and what to repeat.

If works for both the grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows.

We can give it also a pattern to repeat:

.container {
    grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr 50px);
    // it will create 6 columns
    // 1fr 50px 1fr 50px 1fr 50px 

Using the CSS grid repeat function with named lines

And we can even use it with named lines.

.container {
    grid-template-columns: repeat(3, [col-start ] 1fr [col-end] );
    // it will create 3 columns
    // [cstart ] 1fr  [cend] [cstart ] 1fr  [cend]  [cstart ] 1fr  [cend] 

Given the fact that we will have the same name for the columns, we will need to a second parameter in the grid-column to indicate instance number of the name we want to place an element:

.my-element {
    grid-column: cstart 2 / cend 2;

Using the repeat function with auto-fill

But what if we want to have a layout where we want to have as many columns of 200px as they fit in the width of the container? Well, for this we can use the auto-fill:

.container {
    grid-template-columns: repeat( auto-fill , 200px );
    // it will  make as many 200px columns as possible 
    // eq: your screen is 1500px , it will make 7 columns

And that's all for now, folks! Have a fantastic day!

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